
About the Black Death
1347 - 1350
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The Black Death was a disease caused by fleas that carried infected rat blood. The Black death started in 1347 A.D. The out brake took place in China’s Gobi Desert and made its way to Western Europe. The disease made its way to Europe through trade; Sailors traveled to Asia and back to Europe. The rats from Asia came back to Europe with the sailors. Major Cities that are near water got hit the worst by the Plague.

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The Black Death came in three forms and was transmitted two ways. All forms were caused by a bacteria called Yersinia Pestis. The Septicemic and Bubonic plague was transmitted with the bite of a diseased flea. The Pneumonic Plague was transmitted through the saliva coughed up by the humans with the septicemic or Bubonic Plague. The Black Death got its name because if the black/purple bumps humans would get as a result of having the disease. (To the right)


"Black Death." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 26 Feb. 2008

Bender, David. The Black Death. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999.

Loftus, Melissa. "The Black Death 1347-1350." The Black Death 1347-1350 11991 1-11. January 4 2008

Ibeji, Mike. "The Plague/Black Death." The Plague/Black Death 12001

A black/purple blotch.
A symptom of the Black Death.