
About the Black Death
Black Death Symptoms

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Symptoms of the Black Death such as buboes in the groin,
the neck and armpits, which oozed pus and bled due to
internal bleeding. Most victims died within four to seven
days after having the infection. Having the plague you can
get a fever of 101-105 °F high. According to Greenhaven press
and the book titled "The Black Death" there was a 5% to 0%
chance of living after being infected with the disease.

The symptoms of the plague were based on the form of plague you had.
If you had the Black Death you would...
-Have Itchy Purplish blotches or buboes
-Be Coughing Blood
-Have a High Fever
-Be vomiting
-Be sweating
Have diharrea
-Have the Chills
-Have swollen Glands
-Be bleeding under skin
-Have Aching bones

During this time the medical information was limited giving those diseased with the black death a low chance of surviving. In attempt to cure the disease the people of Europe thought by eating figs, certain spices, burning Jupiter branches having a spider in your house, forcing yourself to vomit, bathe in human/goat urine, burn/cut skin, not sleeping on your back, setting out fresh baked bread, drink goat urine, move often in bed, avoid bad smelling places, eating fiber nuts, not sleeping too much, drinking vinegar, purifying the air, bloodletting, prayer, flagellants, and setting out bowls of milk. Most if not all of these attempts either did not help or worsened the disease.